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Validated by our NHS doctor

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Prevention is key

Lifestyle changes could delay or prevent 40% of dementia cases.

You can act
now to reduce your chances of developing dementia!

Download the Five Lives App and start with your first risk assessment.

Prevention is key.
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Expert Tips for Brain Health: Latest Blog Posts

Gut microbiome and brain health: Unraveling the connection

Explore how to improve your gut microbiome and brain health through the gut-brain axis

Can sleep quantity and quality help to improve brain health?

Discover how sleep improves brain health. Explore the science behind sleep, the stages of sleep, and its impact on memory, cognition, and emotions

Five pillars for a healthier brain

The latest scientific research shows that there are many simple, practical, science-backed changes everyone can make to protect their brain health and reduce dementia risk.

Five lifestyle pillars are particularly important to achieving this: diet, sleep, physical activity, stress & mood and mental stimulation.

Take action now and reduce your chances of developing dementia.


A healthy diet is a great first step towards improving your brain and body. 


Did you know that your sleep quantity and quality can impact your brain's health?


A daily dose of moderate physical activity can bring great benefits to your brain health.

Mood & Social

Discover the benefits of your social circle on your mood and brain health

Mental Fitness

Keep your brain active by stimulating it daily through brain games or other activities.

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Five Lives is changing the way people live their lives

Love is in the air app

Only just signed up but learnt a lot about myself already.
Excellent app. Just completing the initial tests has shown me a lot I didn’t know about myself and my mental strengths and weaknesses. Really enjoying using it

user review five lives app



A great app to keep track of mental acuity and lifestyle choices.
I am enjoying the challenges & trying to improve on them.

user review five lives app



Great brain test.
I enjoyed taking the test and understanding how I can improve my lifestyle

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Staly girl


Thumbs up!
Super clear, informative and easy to use

review five lives app dementia prevention



Amazing User Interface!
Nice app, very easy to to use and provides great actionable suggestions.
For anyone who cares about their and their loved one’s wellbeing, this is all is easy to use and very convenient for all ages.

review five lives app dementia prevention



Great app!
Intuitive and super informative. I go every day to learn about dementia and how to stay healthy

woman prevent dementia



The Five Lives app is extremely useful for anyone concerned about their cognitive ability as they age.
It has very useful articles, and cognitive tests to find out personal risks of developing dementia, and the understanding of how to reduce these risks

woman prevent dementia



Thumbs up!
Super clear, informative and easy to use

review five lives app dementia prevention



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Dementia is the biggest health challenge of our time

Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia, is the only top 10 cause of death without a cure.

Researchers now consider dementia a chronic condition, that starts up to 20 years before symptoms arise. It is never too late to alter its course by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Our goal is to help prevent and detect dementia as early as possible, at a fraction of the cost of current methods.

Our aim, and what drives us to do what we do, is to help extend the quality of life of millions of people.

Group of people standing in a parkfemale woman smiling couple cooking food togetherA woman is meditating on a yoga mat. Friends sitting on couch using Five Lives brain health app on phone

40% of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed.

Receive personalised brain health advice from our experts
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